The Brute Mind is lead by Mental Performance Coach Lauren Tait. This program is specifically for athletes who want to develop a stronger mindset for when it matters most!
Running for 12 months, new athletes will be able to jump on board at the beginning of each month. Each month there will be a new specific topic, which we as a group, will focus on. Yes a group.
The Brute Mind is operated in a small group setting, where athletes will be provided with reading material, assignments and more! All athletes will be able to experience both individual and group coaching through interactive live group calls and email communication lead by Coach Lauren Tait herself!
If you are an athlete who wants to unleash your full potential both in and out of the gym, then this program is for you!
Course Curriculum
Mental performance coaching is my jam! I am a super passionate "in your face" coach that will push you out of your comfort zone and into unleashing your full potential.
I approach coaching differently than most. What do I mean by this? Well let me explain. We all get one canvas for our entire life and can paint it however we choose. Most of us will make the choice to grab certain colors to portray how we want to feel instead of expressing how we truly are feeling. Why is this?
Well, I have learned that a lot of us fear what is inside of our mind. We fear our thoughts. We lack the confidence to showcase who we are. We copy others' canvas, believing that their colors and expressions are better than our own.
But could you imagine what would happen if you developed the ability to confidently grab the colors that portray you, right now in this moment, without fear, without copying others and without worrying about what others might think?
Trust me when I say this, "There was a time when I threw out all of the colors that truly expressed who I was in hopes that copying someone else's would lead down a road of athletic success." Wow was I wrong! I also was all of the below:
- I was hesitant when walking up to a heavy barbell.
- I felt as though I had zero inner confidence when I needed it most such as needing to crush my first muscle up.
- I struggled for years to find peace and comfort during an uncomfortable and long aerobic workout
- I felt as though I was constantly missing that "edge" I needed in order to be successful both in and out of the gym.
I am here to tell you that you are not alone. By putting forth consistent effort into tackling your mindset, owning your true colors, exposing yourself to your fears, weaknesses and doubts and working with a mental performance coach, you will not only discover but you will surpass your full potential.
So what are you waiting for!? Sign up for The Brute Mind small group series and begin unleashing your true potential today!